POCKET CHART CALENDAR ABC Pattern English-Spanish and Dual Language Click to enlarge sign in to download (11 pages)
La R suave y fuerte
Reading Center Story Elements Cards
Comprensión de lectura con práctica fácil para rellenar las pruebas de burbujeo
Tilde diacrítica-Update
Carteles de puntuación-nueva versión
It's Fall Butterfly Migration and the State Fair of Texas Time!!
Inferencing Anchor Chart New version
Combinaciones silábicas- Sílabas directas Now available full page 8.5x11 for student use
Pocket chart calendars for October English, Spanish and bilingual Find Under Themes 10 October 12 pages
School Book and members English/Spanish Introduce the different member of the school. 14 pages same book different illustrations
New version 8.5x11
Groups or Bilingual Pairs- Parejas Bilingües - Grupos Para agrupar por color, grupo o figura geométrica Find Under: 15. Room Labels and centers
FIND UNDER: Tools 2. Management & Set-up
Promote responsible conversation Enhance student engagement and critical thinking 1. Encourage respectful dialogue across cultures. 2. Foster critical thinking with guided sentence stems. 3. Build confidence in every student’s voice. 4. Easy to implement in any subject area. FIND UNDER: Tools 13. Reading Anchor Charts
Anchor Chart, Cards and Reading Comprehension Find Under Tools: 13. Reading Anchor Charts
Find under: Tools 2. management
A book for the first weeks of school English and Spanish If allowed by parents, students can also exchange phone numbers for assignments missed.
Our Super Powers Our Senses Anchor Charts , cards and comprehension Find under: Science 3. Senses
Senses Book
Book suggestions for AUGUST Sugerencia de libros para AGOSTO sign in for other months
A Great Project for Letter of the Week Under Phonics 8. ABC Miscellaneous Proyecto para el salón o familiar Letra de la semana con carta para los padres
Poemas con comprensión de lectura para las 5 vocales Members Find under: Phonics 1. Las vocales Spanish
2 pages each
English Alphabet vocabulary card and practice Color it, find it, trace it Find under: Phonics 14. abc Misc.
Anillos silábicos-Click image to view Sign in-Find under Phonics 13.
verbos regulares ar-er-ir Find under Spanish Language Arts 6. Verbos
Anillos silábicos Find under phonics
Tiras sílabas directas (10p.)
Tiras sílabas trabadas (4 p.)
Tiras de las sílabas inversas
Sugerencia de libros para junio June list now available
More added to abbreviations Find under. Spanish Lang, Arts 11. Abreviaturas
Find under: Math 1. Number of the day
Práctica extra de la palabras homófonas Tarjetas y ejercicios 31 palabras Find under: spanish lang. Arts 10.
February Book reading list suggestion Kindergarten through six grade sign in for the complete list English & Spanish
January Book reading list suggestion Kindergarten through six grade English & Spanish
Book reading list for December Kindergarten through six grade English & Spanish
New on the Lola series Thanksgiving Find under: Reading 4. Reading Comprehension/ Lola Series
Libros para el noviembre Lista de sugerencias
New on the Lola series Find under: Reading 4. Reading Comprehension/ Lola Series
Click to enlarge
Rimas infantiles en inglés-Nursery Rhymes Vocabulary, sequencing and comprehension Find Under 19. English Nursery Rhymes
Nonfiction reading comprehension Scorpion Fish Find under: Science/fish
Download the list Descargue la lista Find under: Themes October
FREE download Join and get all
3 Nursery Rhymes( more coming) Rimas infantiles en inglés Find under: English 19. English Nursery Rhymes
See all sequencing practice Find under. Reading 19. Sequencing
More Reading Comprehension Stories for Science 4 page story and questions (grade 2+) Find under Science 8. Fish
Number tracing 1-10 click to download
Members get 1 thru 30 Tens to 100 English & Spanish Under: Math 3. Writing the numbers
FREE GRATIS Back to School Signs-Regreso a la escuela click to download
For Subscribers ONLY Download the WHOLE site for $2.50 a month cancel anytime, No questions asked.
Find under: Tools 6 Penmanship
List of books in English and Spanish you may want to add to your library Click on image to enlarge Find under: Themes September
Find under: Phonics 2 or Phonics 5
(cognates) To use and display Find under: Phonics 2 or Phonics 5
CARDS 8.5x11
Find under: Phonics 2 or Phonics 5
More Templates Plantillas, imágenes Under Phonics #4 & #7 Templates plantillas
Pez Gato lectura y comprensión 4p. Catfish reading selection and comprehension pgs. Find under Science 8. animals/fish
Anchor Charts, Color identification, cut & paste... Find under tools 12. Colors
Back to School Under Themes 8. agosto -August
A list of books in English and Spanish you may want to add to your library for the Beginning of the School Year See all the books and the downloadable list under Themes: 8. August
Find under Phonics 2. ABC Cards Color Spanish El abecedario del español
Find under Phonics 5. ABC English color card
JUEGO ROMPEHIELOS DE DADOS PARA QUE EL GRUPO SE CONOZCA Ice Breaker Dice Game to Get to Know Each Other Find under Themes: August
Vocabulary game- A fun game for anytime. Great for the beginning of the school year. Un juego muy divertido de vocabulario. Perfecto para cualquier momento. Genial para el comienzo del año escolar. Find under: Tools/ Games
Comprehension Sentences Oraciones de comprensíon Sign in for all. Find under reading 4. Reading Comprehension K-2 Comprensión de lectura K-2 Reading Comprehension
Mother's Day - Memorial Day Find Under May
Interviews-entrevistas Multiple new pages under family Find under: Social Studies 2. Family
Find under: Math 1. Place value
Find under: Math 4. Cardinal ordinal numbers
Encontrar bajo: Fonética: 8. ABC Miscellaneous
English & Spanish Under Reading 17. Inferences
Extra March calendar and activities-Calendario y actividades extras March comes in like a lion and goes out like a Lamb